Sediment Gowanus Exhibition Series
Five community-based exhibition spaces will explore the theme SEDIMENT. The exhibitions respond to the dredging of century-old sediment from the bottom of the Gowanus Canal, one of the most toxic waterways in the United States. As the Gowanus neighborhood is rezoned and the Canal is dredged of toxic material, the issues of who and what matters rise to the top. SEDIMENT will explore, through art how belonging happens, and how self esteem and community can be nourished and sustained. SEDIMENT began at PS 122 Gallery in the East Village and continues in Gowanus at the below venues.
For the opening weekend Saturday & Sunday May 11-12, 1-5 pm you are invited to take a self-guided tour of the exhibitions, including exhibition openings as listed.
Sasha Chavchavadze, Alluvium 2 (Amendments), detail, Mixed-media collage on vintage fabric, 30" x 30"
South Slope Local
May 11–July 7
355 Seventh Avenue
Hours: Mon–Sun, 7 am–5 pm
Exhibition Coordinator: Susan Newmark Fleminger
Artist: Sasha Chavchavadze
Robert Pennington, Tanque de Agua (Water Tank), 2016
Said I Meant
May 11–June 9
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 11, 1–5 pm
543 Union Street, Studio 2B
Hours: May 11–12, 1–5 pm, then by appointment
Curator: ArtPoetica founder JoAnne McFarland
Artists: Barry Beach, Diane Bertolo, Gabrielle Civil, Ellen Driscoll, Paul Eprile, Jacqueline Ferrante, Elisabeth Frost/Dianne Kornberg, Abby Goldstein, Katherine Leiner, Spencer Merolla, Robert Pennington, Lourdes Sanchez
Nancy Manter, Edging in #2
Flashe and Charcoal on Yupo
Gowanus Dredgers Boathouse
As Above, So Below
May 11–June 15
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 11, 1–5 pm
165 Second Street
Hours: May 11–12, 1–5 pm, then Saturdays 1–5 or by appointment
Curator: Sasha Chavchavadze
Artists: Monique Allain, Diane Bertolo, Jeri Coppola, Donna Maria de Creeft, Phyllis Ewen, Richard Garr, Leslie Kerby, Mikael Levin, Nancy Manter, Jennifer Marshall, JoAnne McFarland, Andrew Mockler, Tammy Pittman
Gowanus Souvenir Shop
Sludge & Other Sedimental Souvenirs
May 11–June 15
567 Union Street
Hours: Tuesday–Sunday 10-6
Curator: Ute Zimmermann
Artists: Chloe Beck, George Horner & Miguel Ayuso